Sunday, 25 September 2016


Your personal decision helps you and also determine on how to get your Mr. or Miss Right. Is it Marriage or Manage you want? So you have to think twice about that man or woman you are planning to settle with.

What do you know about marriage? Do you have what it takes before going into marriage? We have a lot of single mothers in the society as a result of lack of planning and no understanding of what marriage is. Marriage is not mirage nor fantasy. It is real, sweet and glorious.

For your marriage not to be manage, you have to know what marriage is and what it entails.

1.   Marriage is for complement and not competition
Marriage is to complement each other and not for unnecessary competition among husband and wife as we are experiencing it now. A wife is to assist the man because she is the neck in the family while man is the head. So ladies, you are expected to complement your husband, not to compete with him.

2.   Marriage is an institution
It is an institution for both man and woman to live together till death do them part. This is the common definition of marriage. What is an institution? It is an established organisation which is dedicated to educate individual. It always with certain rules and for certain purposes to be achieved. Entering into marriage is like gaining admission into an institution which you must be ready to comply with the rules. Loneliness, pressure, age, friends, sexual desire or educational status must not drive you into marriage.

3.   Marriage is for communication, not condemnation
Some men and women likes talking , joking and backbiting outside home, but ones they are home with their family, they would refuse to talk or joke with their partner. Marriage is for communication, you don't have to talk only when you want to condemn or give a complain about something. There must be communication in marriage.

4.   Marriage is a permanent relationship
Marriage is meant to be a permanent enterprise for whosoever enters into it. Don't let your relationship foundation looks like if it works, fine and if it does not, you will go for another man or woman. Know what you want because marriage is meant to be a permanent decision.

5.   Marriage is for compatibility and not combatability
Marriage is for enjoyment of both couple and not quarrel. It is a place of peace and not a life in pieces. It is a unique place for helping each other. Compatibility is enjoined in marriage and not combatability. You have to help your other part to attain success on earth.
What type of marriage do you now want, Marriage or Manage? The choice is yours. Marriage begins with proper understanding of each other at the courtship level. If you plan for a glorious marriage, choose wisely. Men should never believe women are necessary evil in marriage because you will end up marrying a demon incarnate as that is what you believe she is. As a lady. If you think marriage is just for the sake of child bearing, you will end up marrying someone who would ruin your life due to your belief. Everything is about law of attraction.

Choose wisely so as not to end up in manage because wedding ring is the smallest handcuff ever made.

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