Am not saying you shouldn’t care for your partner but be sure the person cares and loves you in return, the same way you do. To those who might have experienced this, I urge you not to feel sad over someone who gave up on you, feel sad for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them but always have it in mind that the emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it. This post will tell us some causes of heartbreak and their possible solutions.
Heartbreak is powerful and at some
point, it stops becoming an emotion, a feeling. Instead, it becomes like a gas
that fills up your entire body. Heartbreak is a metaphorical emotional pain or
suffering experienced alongside a great loss.
What was beautiful, perfect and colorful
in the past will now be dull, empty, meaningless and ugly to look at. It
affects your thinking faculty, it affects the way you have fun and relate with
others. At the beginning of your relationship, you thought you had found the
right person and you will be so happy. From happiness to breakup and then to
a never-ending bout of loneliness and depression.
1. No Understanding of what
love is
This is the
first reason for heart break. People often take lust for love. Most people
don’t really know what love is; at times people take the likeness you have for
a person as a unique individual for love, which is not suppose to be. I think
people really need to know what they want and love.
2. Parents
People know what they really love but due to the parent interference (their parent might tell them they don’t want to see them with the person), they go for what their heart don’t really belong to. Will your parents spend the rest of your life with you or live together with you in your matrimonial home? This has really broken a lot of marriages
People know what they really love but due to the parent interference (their parent might tell them they don’t want to see them with the person), they go for what their heart don’t really belong to. Will your parents spend the rest of your life with you or live together with you in your matrimonial home? This has really broken a lot of marriages
3. Long
time friendship
Some date because they have known each
other for so long (High school, Childhood or College friends) and this is one
of the painful causes of broken heart because of the high intimacy that already
4. Our
horoscopes don’t match
People believes the horoscope of a thing really works. I don’t really know how true this is because it hasn’t been used with me but I know it does not work in all cases. I even know of few who have been victims of false prophecy.
People believes the horoscope of a thing really works. I don’t really know how true this is because it hasn’t been used with me but I know it does not work in all cases. I even know of few who have been victims of false prophecy.
5. Love
of Beauty or Material things
I believe this is understandable to an
extent. It means that I like parts of you – not you. Some love because of
beauty or material things. What if that thing fades away?
6. You are
too good for me.
Is this supposed to make you feel good about yourself or make you feel worse? I have never understand this one. So if I promise not to be as good, will you then love me/marry me? I have never heard of anyone following this reason with a comment like, “I’ll try and be as good as you are so that we can be equal…. lol. Perhaps “You are too good for me” is just to make the perpetrator look good. You obviously have a better idea of what will make me happy. But, will this make you feel good about yourself or make you feel worse?
Is this supposed to make you feel good about yourself or make you feel worse? I have never understand this one. So if I promise not to be as good, will you then love me/marry me? I have never heard of anyone following this reason with a comment like, “I’ll try and be as good as you are so that we can be equal…. lol. Perhaps “You are too good for me” is just to make the perpetrator look good. You obviously have a better idea of what will make me happy. But, will this make you feel good about yourself or make you feel worse?
1. Be Open to others
The easiest way
to get your heart broken is to find one man you're interested in and ignore all
of the other great men around him. Instead of focusing all of your energy on
one guy, divide it. You're not limited to have one crush.
Don't Settle for Less
You definitely
don't want to settle for any random dude that asks you out. Figure out what you
really want from a relationship, and then don't settle for anything less.
3. Socialize yourself
If you don't socialize
yourself with other people, it'll be easy to fall too heavily for the one man
you actually talk to. But if you're always surrounded by different people, you
won't get your heart broken so easily. Not saying you should date all but just
maintain friendship.
4. Follow
your desire
Create a vision
of your ideal love, make a plan to achieve it and take the first steps to
finding the kind of love you want.
5. Be watchful
Don't date a guy
who has done nothing to deserve your time and attention. Make him do a little
work, he should put in some sort of effort to show that he's serious about you.
If he's not willing to do so, then he does not worth your time.
6. Have Fun
The best way to
avoid getting your heart broken is to have fun in your own way. Don’t ever let
your happiness depends on someone
it’s a hard thing to go
through and the pain it’s real. Is as if that
person, throughout the time we were with them, emblazoned our hearts with tiny
little hooks and they are being wrenched out one by one. That’s how it felt to
me! But do you know time is a healer? For those who are presently suffering
from heartbreak, these are the things to do to less the pain. I believe it will
be helpful if you’re going through this right now.
yourself some time to cry and hibernate at home for the first day or two
because there is not how you won’t think of it at all. You can’t just shut off
the bad feelings. Don’t worry about what you think you should do or what people
tell you to do. You just have to do what you need do.
time with your family and friends
You may have spent a few days on your
own, so you need to step out of your own thoughts and spend time with someone
who is close to you and who you trust. Just let go and spend time with your friends
who you felt completely at ease with.
your ex from your social media accounts.
You have to do this because having the
temptation to look at what he was doing, who he was with, his last seen and
then making assumptions about what was going on in his life would increase the
pain and do nothing to heal the heartbreak. Delete their number so you won’t be
tempted to text them and you will notice that after each day of no contact you
will start to feel a little better.
to not looking at old photos, texts or messages that will remind you of your ex
for one month.
Don’t look at his previous messages
because doing this, will have you feeling really low.
Watch funny movies and go out with the
sole aim of having fun. Do not take alcohol as that only seems to heighten any
emotion. The aim should be to just go out and do whatever you think will make
you laugh or at the very least smile, and be around people who make you feel
good. Laughing is brilliant for an immediate shift in feeling. A smile reduces
stress and makes you look younger.
from it and move on
Consider how you can use this experience
as a way to move forward. What new
habits you need to introduce into your life and the experiences you
want to have. Heartbreak is a crippling thing to go through but it’s also an
amazing trigger for unleashing raw emotion and creativity that can be channeled
in a positive way. It will put you on a path of self-discovery.
Forgiveness really is the key to moving
on. Heartbreak is awful, there’s no doubt about it. All these are just the
ideas and suggestions of things that can make it easier. There’s no quick fix,
but the more you start to gently push yourself in new directions every day, the
more clarity you will start to get on the situation. You will be healed in
little moments that we don’t even notice. You will put yourself back together
in bits and pieces
to enjoy your hobbies again and discover new one
Go back to the hobby that makes you lively
before you meet him, and then try to discover new hobbies.
In summary, never allow
someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. Allow
the past to be over. The world is still moving, your life is still happening,
you’re okay and you will be okay.
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